It's Harvest Time!
We're still on a high from our recent trip to Bangladesh. It was exciting to be back in the hustle and bustle of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is two thirds the size of Victoria, but with a population of over 160 million you can imagine there are always people around!
But what was even better was getting out of the city and visiting the regional farming areas where the handloom blankets are made! It is such a contrast to the business of the city and towns along the way. In fact we had to get out of the car and walk the last 500 metres or so to the village because the narrow walk ways between the rice fields didn't allow for cars.
Once we arrived we learn't and experienced so much about slow production processes including how slow production builds community! Just recently the weavers were pitching in with a week of harvesting the fields - which means production of our handloom blankets came to a stop! We think thats pretty wonderful.
One of the incredible values of purchasing handloom and artisan made is that the weavers and artisans are able to stay living in their village and stay part of their community! With the boom in factory made fashion in Bangladesh, many workers must move to the city to work in large factories and often leave their families behind. We're glad that together with you, we can play a small part in supporting these rural economies all the way over here in Australia!

This is what Slow Production and Ethical Supply Chains are all about. Valuing the people involved in the process and not being driven solely by tight timeframes and profits. It does require more planning at our end (which we continue to work on!) but this is what we value - fair and safe work that supports community and family.
And guess what? Because we working slow we are working to longer timeframes we are already well underway with Christmas orders and we would love your help! If you have or know a business or organisation that would love some custom branded bags for Christmas gifts or general use we would love to chat! Ordering now allows us to include you in the bulk order. It keeps costs down for you and will also reduce carbon emissions by producing more efficiently and using sea freight. Please email Jess for more info on custom bags. X